Voucher Code for 10 Percent Off The cost of the CompTIA Security+ exam voucher is $370 in the United States if you purchase it at full price, though CompTIA may raise the price in the future. However, you can get a 10 percent discount using a discount code. This code sometimes changes, so you’ll need to go to this page to access the current code: https://gcgapremium.com/discounted-comptia-vouchers/. That page also includes instructions on how to use the voucher.
Exam Test Provider You can take the exam at a Pearson VUE testing site. Some testing sites provide testing and nothing else. However, most testing sites are part of another organization, such as a training company, college, or university. You can take an exam at the training company’s testing site even if you haven’t taken a course with them. The Pearson VUE website includes search tools you can use to find a testing site close to you. Check them out at https://home.pearsonvue.com/.