Ready to practice?
The following simulations are an equal match in difficulty to the actual CompTIA Security + Certification Exam.
All course materials should have been completed and understood before attempting this real world examination.
Your real exam will be 90 questions, and half could come directly out of these prep exams. It’s not enough to just memorize these answers you should complete my course so you can make sure you pass with at least 750 out of 900 on the live exam by PearsonVue. Once you have reviewed these exam questions at least twice and feel you have a strong understanding of how to answer these questions only then will you be ready to sit for the SEC+ exam.
On the live exam, you will encounter questions you have never seen and topics I never covered. Quickly try to identify the right answer and move on. Don’t waste too much time on those questions as they are called beta questions and they don’t even count against your final grade. Following my advice here very carefully will ensure you pass the SEC+ exam the first time you sit for it. You got this, study hard!